News & Insights
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A recipe for misery reduction: intelligent omnichannel conversations
Interactions with financial services providers are generally out of necessity, not desire. Within the financial services sector misery reduction during these moments is often more important than increasing customer experience.
A day in the life of a graduate software developer
Mando’s software developer graduate scheme has now reopened. Having joined the scheme last year, Henry Noble shares his typical day so you know what to expect.
Preparing your CX for the return of the Beast from the East
Utilities and transport companies tend to dread the winter season. Extreme weather can wreak havoc on pipes, power lines and transport links, often revealing issues with digital infrastructure too. It does, however, present a rare opportunity to engage with the customer - and impress.
Barclays innovates the vulnerable customer experience
Barclays is enabling customers to block certain categories of spending to help them take control of their finances.
Vulnerability in the water sector
The Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) has released a new report - Water for All: Affordability and vulnerability in the water sector 2017/18. Here, we look at what progress the sector has made in supporting people in vulnerable circumstances.
How Monzo is improving the experience for vulnerable customers
We’re in no way affiliated with Monzo, but we love experiences that make people’s lives that little bit easier and we think this one deserves some recognition.
Sitecore Symposium 2018: Key takeaways for marketers
If you missed the announcements, from Sitecore Symposium 2018, here's our top picks.
3 ways AI can drive customer experience in Financial Services
AI has long been used in Financial Services for high frequency trading, credit assessment, and to prevent fraud. Here's how it could drive customer experience.
What if these 4 brands were to enter the water market?
What Amazon, Uber, Netflix and Apple do if they were to enter the water market?