News & Insights

Utility Week Live: Driving change throughout PR19 & RII0 with Artificial Intelligence

Written by Robyn Jones | Jun 21, 2018 2:01:33 PM

UWL18 was all about disruption...

With every industry being transformed by customer demand for simple and personalised digital experiences, utilities are no exception. The explosion in data has created new opportunities and with a host of new technological solutions available to utilities, winners in these challenging times will be those willing and able to embrace change - to meet the expectations of customers and regulators.

Mando and Sitecore were sponsors of the Keynote Theatre and delivered a talk on 'Driving change throughout PR19 & RII0 with Artificial Intelligence'. The talk focused on how AI can be harnessed to: break down data silos and unlock actionable insights; delight customers with personalised communications; and empower customers for long-term resilience.

You can watch the talk on Driving change throughout PR19 and RIIO with artificial intelligence, using the following link: Utility Week Live 2018.